Dear Roadrunner Parents, We invite you to our Meet and Greet on August 1st and 2nd from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. During these days, you and your student can meet our administrators and counselors, learn about our school, and ask questions. Students will have the opportunity to pick up Chromebooks, purchase PE clothes, find their class schedules, and explore the campus. We will start in the gym: 8th graders: August 1st 7th graders: August 2nd We look forward to meeting you!
about 2 months ago, Hesperia Junior High
California Department of Public Health (CDPH) will be hosting a Vaccination event on: June 12th from 9am-12pm at the Hesperia Unified School District. Note: This event is not organized or implemented by HUSD.
3 months ago, Hesperia Unified
Vaccine flyer English
Vaccine flyer Spanish
Day 180 of AWESOME! Our last day of awesome for the year... happy teachers! #webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomestaff #summerbreak #schoolsoutforsummer #wemadeit #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
3 months ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Summer Break Time
Summer Break Time
Summer Break Time
Summer Break Time
Summer Break Time
Day 179 of AWESOME! Saying goodbye to our kiddos on the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! #webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #byebye #wewillmissyou #summerishere #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
3 months ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Bye Kiddos!
Bye Kiddos!
Bye Kiddos!
Bye Kiddos!
Bye Kiddos!
Bye Kiddos!
Day 178 of AWESOME! Staff dressed as Students Day! #webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #weloveourstudents #imitationisflattery #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
4 months ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Staff as Students
Staff as Students
Staff as Students
Staff as Students
Staff as Students
Staff as Students
Day 177 of AWESOME! Chromebook art! #webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #artistic #artists #expressyourself #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
4 months ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Chromebook art
Chromebook art
Chromebook art
The publisher sent 15 overrun copies of the yearbook. They will be on sale Tuesday, May 28 at noon in the ONLINE campus store, The site requires a login, which you can do ahead of time. #webleedblue #hjhroadrunners
4 months ago, Christy Bottom
Day 176 of AWESOME! The 8th Grade Dance! #webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #weloveour8thgraders #aloha #almostfreshmen #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
4 months ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
8th grade dance
8th grade dance
8th grade dance
8th grade dance
8th grade dance
The publisher sent 15 overrun copies of the yearbook. They will be on sale Tuesday, May 28 at noon in the ONLINE campus store, The site requires a login, which you can do ahead of time. #webleedblue #hjhroadrunners
4 months ago, Christy Bottom
Day 175 of AWESOME! Jump rope skills! #webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #jumprope #letthembekids #bringingbackfun #skills #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
4 months ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Jump rope
Jump rope
Jump rope
Jump rope
Jump rope
Jump rope
Day 174 of AWESOME! End of the Year Awards! #webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #perfectattendance #4.0gpa #rfep #ourkidsrock #hardworkpaysoff #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
4 months ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Awards Ceremony
Awards Ceremony
Awards Ceremony
Awards Ceremony
Awards Ceremony
Awards Ceremony
Awards Ceremony
Awards Ceremony
Day 173 of AWESOME! Aloha Pep Rally! #webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #peprally #aloha #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
4 months ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Day 172 of AWESOME! Beautiful art on clothing! #webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #wearableart #beautiful #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
4 months ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Wearable art
Wearable art
Roadrunners! 8th grade dance tickets go on sale this Tuesday in the student store. Be sure to get your ticket early! Tickets to the dance are $7 and will include a Polaroid for each student. There will be a DJ, carnival games, snack bar, and multiple photo booths. See you there!
4 months ago, Katherine Cervantes
Day 171 of AWESOME! W.E.B Movie Night! #webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #whereeveryonebelongs #memories #snackbariseverything #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
4 months ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
WEB Movie Night
WEB Movie Night
WEB Movie Night
WEB Movie Night
Day 170 of AWESOME! Yearbook time!! #webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #memories #wildride #2024yearbook #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
4 months ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Yearbook time
Yearbook time
Yearbook time
Yearbook time
Yearbook time
Yearbook time
Yearbook time
Yearbook time
Yearbook time
Yearbook time
Day 169 of AWESOME! Loteria hats! #webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #loteria #panther #stylish #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
4 months ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Loteria Hats
Loteria Hats
Loteria Hats
Yearbooks are here! Come get your pre-ordered copy in the quad during advisory TOMORROW.
4 months ago, Christy Bottom
Day 168 of AWESOME! Getting around in style on a motorized scooter! #webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #scooter #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
4 months ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
Motorized Scooter
Day 167 of AWESOME! The 1st Annual HUSD Games! #webleedblue #hjhroadrunners #awesomekids #awesomestaff #athletes #somanymedals #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
4 months ago, Hesperia Junior High Roadrunners
HUSD Games
HUSD Games
HUSD Games
HUSD Games
HUSD Games